Author: Wildflower Ranch Inn

5th Anniversary—What an enriching 5 years it’s been at Wildflower Ranch Inn!

We are grateful for the enriching 5 years we have had. Let’s reflect on just a few highlights. In August 2019 we were busy planning the launch of Wildflower Ranch Inn. Our idea of opening an art-based and tastefully appointed accommodation was evolving. Our search covered the entire Kentucky Bourbon Trail. During the course of 2019, we found our gem inside the well-maintained 150-year-old residence.

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Kentucky Bourbon Ball Class

When visiting Kentucky, you simply can’t miss out on! One such experience is sinking your teeth into a delicious Kentucky Bourbon Ball. These delectable treats are said to have been invented by Rebecca Ruth back in 1938. But why not take things one step further and learn to make your own?

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Summer Evenings at Wildflower Ranch Inn